The IPBBN pre-conference meeting will take place on October 16, before the 52nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology (ISDP) that will be held October 16-18, 2019, at the Swissôtel Chicago. Researchers interested in the development of behavior in all organisms including man, with special attention to the effects of biological factors operating at any level of organization are encouraged to participate.
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2019, Swissôtel Chicago, Chicago, USA
Preceding ISDP 2019
[12:30-13:30] – Lunch workshops: (pre-registration required will include Lunch, limited to 10 participants per workshop)
Freely available tools related to perinatal research, developed by early career researcher
- Workshop 1: Saige Rutherford: fetal preprocessing pipeline
- Workshop 2: Dr. Laurel Gabard-Durnam: infant EEG pre-processing pipeline (HAPPE)
[13:30-15:00] – (open to all participants of ISDP 2019): Mentor-mentee talks: Mentors and their mentee provide a talk together (30 min total). Mentor starts with introducing the project and their mentee (10 minutes), mentee presents their work (10 minutes), then discussion/questions (10 minutes).
[15:00-15:15] – Short coffee break
[15:15-16:15] – Flash talks: Invited talks based on abstract
submissions for ISDP 2019, related to perinatal research. Preference
will be given to early career researchers.
[16:30] – Opening Session of ISDP 2019 – Abstract Deadline, June 1, 2019, for more information, to submit abstracts and to register for the IPBBN Pre-Conference, please click here.
The ISDP strongly supports and encourages young scientists with travel awards, networking and meeting events designed specifically for the students and postdocs in the field.

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